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This Friday's Shooting People screenwriter's bulletin helpfully contained a list of screenwriting and film podcasts. I've had Creative Screenwriting Magazine's podcast page bookmarked in my favourties for months now, and not got around to actually downloading anything. And I've had Mark Kermode's Five live film reviews podcast bookmarked for a while too. Told you I'm a procrastinator. Anyway, the SP list was the motivator I needed to actually download some stuff, and I've just spent the last couple of hours listening to screenwriting podcasts while cleaning the flat (and I looked a picture strutting about with my marigolds on and my i-pod attached to my hip). I might be a terrible procrastinator but I am capable of multi-tasking! Best so far was the Creative Screenwriting Q&A with Noah Baumbach, writer-director of the wonderful The Squid and the Whale, which I just saw this week. His discussion of his writing process particularly struck a chord with me, especially the fact that he doesn't outline. Yes, I'm still struggling with the outline for my latest project, which I'm trying to sort in time to submit for the UK Friendly Producer's Scheme. Time is running out. More on my outline anxiety and lessons learned from Baumbach another time. Right now it is time to watch trashy TV and forget about my woes. For a bit.
Very Nice